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AN AFTERNOON AT THE MOVIES. CINEMA SHOWING OF ACT 1 OF ‘THE MASTERSINGERS OF NUREMBERG’. Elizabeth Picture Theatre, Saturday 21 September 2024 at 3:00pm – 5:00pm.

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Saturday 21 Sep 2024
3:00 pm to 5:00 pm

Walther von Stolzing confronts the pedantic and unimaginative Mastersingers and their apprentices by invoking his idol, the medieval Minnesinger Walther von der Vogelweide. Marco Jentzsch as Walther von Stolzing and Gerald Finley as Hans Sachs.

A private cinema showing of Act 1 of ‘Die Meistersinger von Nürnberg‘, in a superb production at Glyndebourne conducted by Vladimir Jurowski and directed by Sir David McVicar, with the London Philharmonic Orchestra and The Glyndebourne Chorus. Other principal singers are Johannes Martin Kränzle as Sixtus Beckmesser, Alastair Miles as Veit Pogner, Anna Gabler as Eva, Topi Lehtipuu as David and Michaela Selinger as Magdalene. The cinema showing will be in the Elizabeth Picture Theatre, 179 Elizabeth Street, Brisbane, followed by a reception in the beautiful adjoining reception room with Prosecco and French Cake. Sponsored by Richard Hartley. The showing will be from 3:00pm to 4:30pm followed by refreshments.

When you register for our ‘Afternoon at the Movies’ you will be sent gratis Peter Bassett’s 40-page eBook on Wagner’s Die Meistersinger, which has chapters on the action of the music drama; an analysis of the Prelude; dramatic influences on this wonderful work; ‘Winter and Spring imagery in Die Walküre and Die Meistersinger‘; the fiction of ‘The Jew in the Thornbush’, and ‘Is Beckmesser a caricature of Hanslick?’

To register, please advise our Secretary Alpha Yap at and make the usual payment of $15 for members and $20 for guests to the Society’s bank account, Bank of Queensland BSB 124-021, Account Number 2261-2919.