Saturday 20 Aug 2022
3:00 pm to 4:30 pm
The Society meeting on 20th August will offer a different type of presentation from usual. It will be a discussion focussed on a book called Wagnerism by Alex Ross which is, arguably, the major contribution to our understanding of Wagner in recent times. The book is not primarily concerned with Wagner’s life/works or even his musical impact but traces the Wagner’s extraordinary influence on subsequent culture more broadly – on novelists, poets, philosophers, visual artists and film makers, not to mention political leaders and various different societal groups. The breadth of Wagner’s cultural influence on subsequent generations is virtually unparalleled, and Ross’s coverage of it is a hugely impressive achievement, written not only with a wide range of knowledge but also great insight. Members are encouraged to try to get hold of the book and read it (or some of it) in advance if possible. Ideally, the session will be a bit like that of a book club meeting where open discussion from all present will be encouraged. You are most welcome to attend even if you haven’t had a chance to read any of the book. To get some idea of what it is about, please use the following link to the publisher’s website.
The session will be led by Stephen Emmerson together with the assistance of a few other members.
You are invited to register for the Meeting by informing our Secretary Rosemary Cater-Smith at or via the ‘Contact’ page of the website, and making a bank transfer to Bank of Queensland, BSB: 124021 Account Number: 22612919. Payments are $15 for members and $20 for non-members. Please use your name and the month (eg Jones August) to identify your payment.