Saturday 19 Dec 2020
3:00 pm to 5:00 pm
Queensland Multicultural Centre
We have a booking at the Story Bridge Hotel, Kangaroo Point, for a luncheon to be held between 12 noon and 2 pm on the 19th December, prior to the meeting at 3 pm at the QMC with Margaret Baker Genovesi and Peter Bassett. The Story Bridge Hotel is only a five minute walk from the Multicultural Centre. Early parking has been arranged at the Multicultural Centre from 11.30 am onwards. The luncheon would start at 12 noon and would consist of an alternate drop menu so that there is no delay in being served, and we can comfortably finish by 2 pm to allow a stroll back to the QMC. There would be an opportunity to purchase drinks from the bar at the person’s own expense. The two course Menu would be at a cost of $60 pp which is a reduction on the normal price. Members are invited to register either for both the lunch and the meeting or for the meeting alone in the usual way, by notifying the Secretary at and by making a bank transfer to Wagner Society in Queensland, BSB: 124 021 Account Number: 2261 2919. Please identify your deposit with your name and the month. Payments for the meeting alone are $15 for members and $20 for guests (subject to space); payment for the lunch is $60 per person, and payment for both the meeting and lunch is $75 for members and $80 for guests.