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Provocative Productions

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Saturday 22 Apr 2017
3:00 pm to 5:30 pm

Queensland Multicultural Centre

Provocative Productions!

3.00 pm Saturday 22 April 2017

Have you ever wondered why some productions of Wagner’s stage works are unforgettably moving and others conjure outrage and a chorus of ‘boos’? Why is it that some directors seem to think that their ideas are more important than the composer’s, while others take pride in being as faithful as they can be to the written text and musical score?

Join us for an afternoon of ‘Provocative Productions’ – be enraptured and outraged, and share your thoughts and expectations. Excerpts from four very (very!) different stagings of some of Wagner’s greatest works will be screened.

Be prepared for a fun afternoon of the good, the bad and the ugly – and some of the most wonderful music ever composed.