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Study Day: Wagner in Italy

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Saturday 24 Mar 2018
10:00 am to 4:30 pm

Queensland Multicultural Centre

Our Study Day on Wagner in Italy reflects the fact that although Richard Wagner is usually regarded as the archetypal champion of German music, he had a life-long love affair with Italy and its musical traditions.

When composing his earliest operas, he was inspired again and again by the Italian sense of melody: ‘Song, song and yet again song, you Germans!’ he implored his countrymen. He visited Italy on many occasions, taking refuge from the dark clouds of the north in the sunny climes of Naples, Venice and Sicily and in many places in between. He even considered migrating there.

Graham Bruce will examine Wagner’s visits and compositions with Italian connections up until about 1861, and Peter Bassett will continue the story until the composer’s death in Venice in February 1883 and his influence on Italian composers who were his contemporaries and followers. This is a rich, beautiful and fascinating part of the Wagnerian story, and you won’t want to miss it.

Included – Morning and Afternoon Teas and a light Lunch.