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TRAINING SINGERS FOR WAGNER. Associate Professor Margaret Schindler in conversation with Professor Lisa Gasteen AO, and a vocal performance by Kira Dooner.

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Saturday 21 Oct 2023
3:00 pm to 5:00 pm

Associate Professor Margaret Schindler, Head of Vocal Studies at Queensland Conservatorium Griffith University will discuss the Training of Singers for Wagner with Professor Lisa Gasteen, Founder and Head of the Lisa Gasteen National Opera Program and renowned operatic soprano. This meeting will also feature a vocal performance by Kira Dooner, recipient of the Wagner Society’s 2022 Encouragement Award (see the ‘News’ page of this website).

As usual, for our October meeting, payment of $15 for members and $20 for guests should be made to the Society’s bank account – Bank of Queensland, Wagner Society in Queensland, BSB 124-021, Account No. 2261-2919. Please add your name and ‘October’ to the transfer. Please inform our Secretary, Alpha Yap, at: alphayap60@gmail.com that you have transferred your payment and will be attending. This will help with practical arrangements including seating.