Since the memorable performances of Opera Australia’s Brisbane Ring in December 2023, our Society has attracted thirteen brand new members: Robert Feldman, Rochelle Le Bon, Lucas Lynch, Andy Wilkins, Belinda Mitchell, Lydia Hohaus, Michael Boehm, Professor Regina Ganter, Simon Buchanan, Julie Vellacott, John Drew, Waldemar Vollmer, and Ralf Klepper. A very warm welcome to them all!
Applications for membership of the Society are encouraged and welcomed, and are considered and approved by the Management Committee. Applications (including for renewed membership after resignation or termination) must be in writing, signed by the applicant and the applicant’s proposer and seconder (both members), and in the form decided by the Management Committee (Rules Sections 6.3 and 6.4). The Management Committee must decide whether to accept or reject an application (Rules Sections 8.2 and 8.3), and the Secretary must then give the applicant written notice of the decision (Rules s.8.4).
To apply for membership of the Wagner Society in Queensland, or to request related information, please email the Secretary, Alpha Yap, directly at:
Under the provisions of the Society’s Rules, membership can only be terminated in one of two ways: by the member’s resignation in writing to the Secretary (Rules ss. 9.1 and 9.2), or by termination by the Management Committee (Rules s.9.3). Membership may be terminated by the Management Committee if the member:
- Is convicted of an indictable offence;
- does not comply with any of the provisions of the Rules;
- has membership fees in arrears for at least 2 months, or
- conducts himself or herself in a way considered to be injurious or prejudicial to the character or interests of the Society.
If a member has not resigned in writing to the Secretary or has not had his/her membership terminated by the Management Committee, the existing membership will remain in place and annual fees (if applicable) will continue to accrue and require payment. Membership is not ended merely by a member withholding payment of fees, and unpaid fees will leave the member financially in arrears.
Our membership year runs from 1st January to 31st December. The annual Membership fees for new and continuing members are as follows:
Ordinary Members: $60 or Couple $100. Associate Members (Students & Pension Holders): $30 or Couple $50. New members who apply after 1 November in the previous year are entitled to membership until 31st December in the following year. For details and awards of Life Memberships and Honorary Memberships, see the HOME page of this website.
Fees can be paid by DIRECT DEPOSIT to: Bank of Queensland BSB: 124021 Account Number: 22612919. Please ensure that you use your surname and FEES24 as the reference; e.g. SMITHFEES24. Alternatively, fees may be paid by CHEQUE to the Treasurer, Wagner Society in Queensland, PO Box 1139, Kenmore, QLD 4069.