Saturday 17 Aug 2024
3:00 pm to 5:00 pm

Mathilde Wesendonck (1828-1902) whose maiden name was Agnes Luckemeyer. She took the name Mathilde to please her husband whose first wife and elder sister were both named Mathilde.
A performance of Wagner’s Wesendonck Lieder by soprano Rebecca Cassidy with Stephen Emmerson. At the Queensland Multicultural Centre, Kangaroo Point. Mathilde Wesendonck wrote Five Poems for a Female Voice, which were set to music for piano accompaniment by Wagner in 1857-58. He subsequently orchestrated Träume (‘Dreams’) – a study for Tristan und Isolde – and the other songs were later orchestrated by Felix Mottl.
To book, please advise our Secretary Alpha Yap at and make the usual payment of $15 for members and $20 for guests to the Society’s bank account, Bank of Queensland BSB 124-021, Account Number 2261-2919.